There is a 24 hour answerphone and office is open from 8am to 6pm every day
It is important to us that all parents and carers of the children who attend, feel welcome and able to speak easily to both staff and management. Our parent partnership policy is displayed in all rooms. A copy is enclosed on the first page of this prospectus.
We use the Tapestry online Journal system to record observations and assessments on Nursery age children and these are printed periodically for the children’s folders. The system is linked to parents and gives us direct opportunites between keyperson and parents to explore learning.
Starting Nursery is obviously a big step in a child’s life and the way in which a child responds will vary. Some feel at home immediately, whereas for others it may take some time until they feel comfortable. We therefore, encourage parents and carers to stay with their child for settling in sessions, and if necessary, until they feel confident in their new environment. Parents are encouraged to engage with staff to support settling.
Ofsted said “Settling In sessions are extremely responsive to the individual needs of children and parents. Children settle quickly and through observations and consultations with parents, practitioners ensure that they make progress right from the very start.”
When a child begins Nursery they will be allocated a key person. This means that each member of staff has a special responsibility for a small group of children. This helps to ensure that in a large group, each individual child’s needs are met. The key person is a useful point of contact for parents. Individual records are kept by the key person. These are confidential and parent’s input is welcome. The keyperson will prepare a report each term for you to keep which will record development within the setting and will ask for your opinion on how your child is developing at home. It will also suggest how the learning at preschool can be extended at home. We need to ensure a good partnership develops between yourself and the setting so that everyone can support your child. We try to ensure that your child’s keyperson is available for most of their time at nursery, however, parents must understand that children may be on site for longer than a working day. As we are a 51 week nursery staff will also have leave entitlement. To this end all keypersons also have a buddy keyperson who will help to settle children when their keyperson is not there.
Ofsted said “The well-organised key-person system supports young children to form secure relationships. This promotes children’s care and well-being.”
We hold parties twice a year for each room. (Suspended at present due to COVID) These are at Christmas and at the end of the summer term. All parents and children are invited. However, we have to limit adults to one per child sometimes. Additionally, parents are required to attend settling in sessions with their children when they begin with us and we would welcome parents to remain in contact through either conversation, daily diaries, reports and emails throughout the child’s time with us. If at any time parents would like a meeting with their child’s keyperson or the room leader please ask so this can be arranged. Keypersons are usually available at either the start or end of your child’s day depending on your hours.
Ofsted said “Partnerships with parents are strong.”
A Photographer visits the setting twice a year to photograph the children. There is no obligation to buy or be photographed.
All children who attend before 8.45am / Breakfast Club or after 3.15pm / Afterschool club must be brought into the setting by a parent where they will be signed in or out. Parents should ring the bell on arrival and staff will securely verify and release children. All children who attend Holiday Club must be brought to the main door and signed in and out.
Doors open for sessional care at 8.45 am, and until then parents and children are asked to wait by the main doors. When collecting your child at the end of their session, parents are requested to wait by the main doors, and then each child is passed out individually.
If anyone other than previously authorised persons are to collect your child, then we need to be inform either in writing or in an emergency by phone, where a password will be issued by the office.
If permission to release your child has not been arranged then the nursery cannot and will not legally release the child into someone else’s care. Staff will endeavour to contact you or a named person in order to release the child. Please ensure you always contact the setting if you are not going to be able to collect and always inform the setting who is collecting. A strict password policy is in place at all times.