East Thurrock Kids Club

There is a 24 hour answerphone and office is open from 8am to 6pm every day



Rooms Within the setting we have four classrooms.

During term time from 8:45am until 3:15pm (preschool hours). These rooms divide approximately into:

ages 9 months to 2 years


9 months – 18 months and 16 months – 24 months

ages 2 years to 3 years

ages 2 years 6 months to 3 years 6 months 

ages 3 years 6 months to 4 years 11 months

Room ages do overlap and each child’s individual needs are assessed to understand which room would be best for them. This may be their age, their previous social interactions, or the child’s development.  Children can change room throughout the academic year, however, this will depend on availability of sessions.

Full time and preschool children are together during the preschool hours to ensure all children attending, whether paid or funded receive the same high standard of education and care.


Outside of Preschool hours the full time nursery uses two classrooms, Red and Yellow. 


The Orange and Green rooms are then used for the School aged children who attend breakfast club, Afterschool Club and Holiday Club.


Red Room - Babies and Toddlers

Red Room is our Baby and Toddler room with children from 9 months old until 2 years.  The room is divided into two halves.  Each side has an environment designed specifically for this age group.  The themed “Pet Shop” Room is welcoming and supports 12 children maximum with 4 members of staff on each side.  The two sides are  Babies for children from 9 months to approximately 18 months and Toddlers from approximately 16 months to two years.

Within the room there are:

    • Low Cot Beds with individual bedding.
    • High and Low feeding chairs
    • Non-walking area where crawling and walking can be practiced.
    • Milk preparation area / steam sterilization; Dishwasher
    • Fitted kitchen with washing facilities, food preparation facilities and fridge.
    • Cloakroom with toilets, changing facilities within the room.
    • Wide ranging activities, toys, equipment and activities.
    • There is a Laundry room located by the Managers Office.

There are 6 Key Groups in Red Room each with their own Key Person and support staff as needed. 

Ofsted said “The well-organised key-person system supports young children to form secure relationships.  This promotes children’s care and well-being.”

You will need to supply: Nappies, wipes, creams, teething gels, spare clothes, comfort toys or blankets any additional items that you may need.  Items will be stored in a named container for your child.  Milk feeds will need to be supplied.  Outdoor clothing and indoor shoes should also be provided.  Please note soothers will be used to comfort your child, however, we will remove when not needed to ensure good communication skills develop.

A daily record is completed each day for your child and this is uploaded to our Online Journal System.  It will contain details of eating, sleeping, nappies/toileting, learning and playing opportunities, along with photographs.

Yellow Room - Two to Three Room

Yellow Room is for our children from 2 years until 3 years.  The room is themed around “Our Garden Room” and has its own garden and cloakroom.  There is a kitchen area within the room with a food preparation area and fridge.

Activities within this room are designed around promoting the Prime areas of learning (Personal, Social and Emotional, Communication and Physical) and introducing the Maths, Literacy, Understanding the World and Expressive Art & Design.

Learning is very sensory based and will be designed to individual children’s needs and development.  Toddler Talk takes place every day within Yellow Room to help children begin to understand listening and sounds in preparation for learning phonics.

A daily sheet is kept for parents and shared for information.   As with Red Room, parents will need to supply Nappies etc for their child which can be held on site or brought in each day.  During potty training a partnership with parents and keypersons is necessary to ensure that the child is fully supported.

Ofsted said “Parents are delighted with how happy their children are, and say they are thriving.  They receive daily feedback and detailed reports on what their children have done at the setting and the progress they have made.”

There are 4 Key Groups in Yellow Room each with a KeyPerson. With 1 support staff.


Green and Orange Rooms 

Some of the children start school in the following September and are prepared for school through various activities and learning. Close links with the schools enable us to ensure children are visited by the teachers in the summer term.

The curriculum for these rooms are very similar however, we differentiate the learning for the younger children.  Older children are prepared for School through our School Readiness approach which helps promote independence.

The Letters and Sounds Programme for listening and phonics and the Helicopter Approach, Write Dance and Our Maths Programme are introduced when children are ready.

Ofsted said “Children make good progress from their starting points and are well prepared for their next stages of development including school.  Children are equipped with the tools to be independent and are motivated to express themselves throughout the day.”

The Oldest of our 3 year olds will also be within Orange room where it is felt they will benefit from the additional learning programs available or where they may have already attended a year in Yellow room. These children will progress to Green Room the following year.

Our team of SEN keypersons will work individually with children if required to support their needs.  A transition meeting will be held to ensure all needs are discussed and a plan in place.

We have staff trained to support children who may also have health needs requiring Care Plans.

Ofsted said “Children with Special Educational needs and/or disabilities receive excellent levels of support from highly perceptive practitioners.  Practitioners have strong partnerships with outside agencies and attend training to support children’s specific needs, allowing them to help all children to develop to their full potential.”


Orange and Green rooms are designed to support children’s independence along with school readiness.

Rooms give children access to equipment, including building, imagination, mark making, reading and social play.

Book areas support emotions and cosy times. They encourage children to talk and explore topics whilst relaxing and sharing.

Home Corners give children opportunities to act out what they know, whilst also exploring characters and occupations such as postman, doctor, shop assistants.

Communication – Encouraging children to talk, and expanding their vocabulary is an important part of the everyday play. Introducing new words, sharing ideas, expressing needs and understanding how to have a conversation listening to both sides, all help children to explore their world and move forwards in their education.

Home Learning Scheme

In all rooms there is a Book Club for children and parents to share which includes sharing books and earning rewards such as a visit from Reading Bear, Cheeky Monkey or Story Sloth.

A daily record is completed each day for your child and this is uploaded to our Online Journal System.  It will contain details of eating, sleeping, nappies/toileting, learning and playing opportunities, along with photographs.

Orange Room - Farm

Green Room - Jungle


Breakfast Club

Parents must accompany their child to the main doors, where they will be met by a team member.  If you require messages to be passed to your child’s school, please can you supply this in writing and children will be reminded to hand notes into the school. If necessary we would ask you to phone the school directly to speak to the school, as we do not always see teachers, especially in the Junior school.

Children are encouraged to hang up coats and bags, before ordering their breakfast.  Cereal, toast croissants and pancakes are available until 8.15 am.   Apple and Orange fruit juice, milk and water are available during this time.

After breakfast, children take part in free play activities, such as board games, small worlds, role play or construction.

Children tidy away, and line up with their coats and bags ready for school. 

Children attending Stanford and St Joseph schools are walked to school by a team member.

All children on arrival at school, must stay with a member of staff until doors are opened.  Infant children are accompanied to their classrooms where schools allow.

After School Club

Children are collected from their school by a member of staff.  Staff wear uniform and carry identification badges.  Children from our Outreach schools are collected by mini bus.  The mini bus is fully seat belted and the driver has undergone DBS checks although the driver is never alone with the children.

Once the children arrive at the after school club, they are encouraged to hang up their belonging on the pegs provided.

The evening snack consists of a meal, or an alternative light snack with parental permission.  Water and fruit squashes are available to drink.

A wide variety of activities are offered during the session, both inside and outside.  From Computers and game consoles to Cookery and Art and Crafts.  Small world, role play, construction and board game are available for children to help themselves to from the cupboards.  Homework is encouraged and help is always available although this will not be on a 1-1 basis.  There is a large outdoor space for the children to take part in activities outside.

Activities are supervised and planned in advance and then displayed on the notice board.

The session ends at 6.15 pm.

Parents and Carers collect their child from the main lobby.  The main doors have a bell and are then opened by a member of staff.  Parents will be identified before a child is collected,  the register will be completed and collect parents will be passed any messages before leaving with their child.

Authorised persons only can collect, if you are asking someone else to collect your child, we must be notified either in writing or by phone, where a password will be issued for security.  We are legally unable to release a child without prior consent from a parent.

Holiday Club

The holiday club operates during the school holidays from 7.30 am until 6.15 pm.

Places can be booked from 4 hours to the full day.  A packed lunch is required if your child is with us between 12 noon and 1 pm. (Please ensure lunch boxes are healthy with no fizzy drinks or glass bottles. Please see attached policy)

Breakfast is served from 7.30 am until 9 am, a light morning snack at 10.30 am, lunch between 12 noon until 1 pm and the evening meal at 4 pm until 4.30 pm.  The evening meal is cooked on the premises.

A full program of activities is planned in advance.

Please note the Holiday Club is only available on days agreed in advance and in line with the Thurrock Council School Holiday Calendar.  Please check against your school calendar as these days may vary.  Non-Pupil days are not covered by Holiday Club throughout term time.

Please check your school calendar against our calendar to check availability.

© Copyright East Thurrock Kids Club – Stanford Childrens Centre,Copland Road, Stanford-Le-Hope, Essex, SS17 0DF Hosted by NurseryWeb. (FootfallCam Company)